- 1942年満州に生まれる
- 島根県出身
- 元通商産業省事務官
- 中央大学夜間部から同大学院に進み、文学修士(英文学)を取得
- 渡米してウイートン大学大学院(M.Div.)、トリニテイ国際大学(Th.M.),心理学研究学院、 ジョージア 州立大学大学院(M.Ed.)で、聖書、神学、コミユニケーション、カウンセリング心理学を専攻
- 学際的な研究を積み、4つの修士号を取得
- 在米10年
- 結婚して3人の男子の父
- 日本カウンセリング学会推薦会員
- ウイ リアム・グラッサー国際協会(WGI)認定会員・同プラクテイカム・スーパーヴァイザ ー・同シニアインストラクター、
- 日本心理臨床学会名誉会員
- 日本選択理論心理学会認定・選択理論心理士、現実療法認定カウンセラー
- 大磯ライオンズクラブ会員
- 1978年に柿谷カウンセリングセンターを開設
- 1984年3月よりほぼ20年間グループホーム大磯ハウスを運営
- カウンセリングと並行して分子栄養学による療法を実践、GFCFダイエットをいち早く日本に紹介
- 元中央大学講師(1978-1998)
- 特定非営利活動法人(NPO)日本リアリテイセラピー協会理事長
- 湘南見附キリスト教会牧師
- 柿谷カウンセリングセンター所長
- 日本選択理論心理学会初代会長(2022年勇退)
- 日本で初めてリアリテイセラピー集中講座を主催(1986)
- 米国ウイリアム・グラッサー協会 が認定した日本人初のプラクテイカム・スーパーヴァイザー及びシニアインストラクター
- ウイリアム・グラッサー博士を始め国際人の通訳を務める
- カウンセリングの他執筆、講演活動に従事、グラッサーのほとんどの書籍を翻訳
- 精神保健福祉士、元・臨床心理士(未更新)
- 元・立正大学心理学部教授(2012年3月定年退職)
- 名誉博士号(文学)Litt.D.
- 牧会学博士号 D.Min.

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Masaki Kakitani Is the First Person from Japan to Learn Choice Theory
From: July 18, 2021 Volume 11 Number 7 wglasserbooks.com
Masaki Kakitani learned the meaning of hardship and hard work early in life. His father was drafted into military service and deployed when Masaki was two years of age. He never returned from the battlefront. Masaki’s mother, at age 28, was left to raise four children alone. Masaki, the third child, was able to go to high school due to a special fund for the children of single mothers. He passed the exam for government employees, and began supporting himself. Working in the day and attending night school, he completed a B.A. degree in English literature after six years at Chuo University. Then he found a job at the University, continued working, and completed the M.A. in English literature. After that he was awarded scholarships to study in the US: first for a Wheaton College Graduate School M.Div., and then a Trinity Graduate School Th.M. He then completed an M.Ed. in Christian Counseling, in a special program at Georgia State University.
Masaki returned to Japan and Chuo University in 1978. He was already a highly qualified counselor and pastor, and he was writing articles on relationships for Japanese newspapers. In 1985, his writing drew the attention of USAF Chaplain Matsumoto at Yokota Air Base near Chuo University. The Chaplain called and asked Masaki to give a presentation about couples counseling resources in Japan. Masaki agreed and gave the presentation, meeting Chaplain Rhon Carleton in the process. Rhon was a new Basic Instructor in Reality Therapy stationed at Yokota. Masaki expressed an interest in Reality Therapy to Rhon, so Rhon offered to teach him Reality Therapy. They began to meet weekly at Yokota Air Base on Masaki’s teaching day at Chuo University.
By 1986, Rhon and Masaki’s meetings had grown into Japan’s first Basic Intensive Week, with Rhon as Instructor. There were twelve students in that first group--half Japanese and half English speaking. Masaki translated for Rhon and the entire group. It went so well that Rhon did a second training in Japan in 1987. Notably, Satoshi Aoki was a part of that training group, and he created Achievement Corporation after that training.
Continuing to study Reality Therapy, Masaki went to Hawaii for an Advanced Training with Dr. Wubbolding, He was able to complete CT/RT Certification in late 1987. Masaki then began the process of faculty training and endorsement as the first Japanese CT/RT practicum supervisor. Because he also translated several of Dr. Glasser’s books into Japanese, the CT/RT ideas began to spread in Japan. Between 1978 and 1998 Masaki traveled all around Japan teaching Choice Theory, while maintaining his appointment as Instructor in English literature at Chuo University. He progressed in his choice theory studies, and became a member of the Senior Faculty.
In the thirty six years since the first Basic Intensive, the William Glasser Institute Japan was formed; and Glasser International training programs are still being offered in Japan. There are now 9 Instructors and 16 Practicum Supervisors in the Institute, and 5,790 people have taken the Basic Intensive Training as of February, 2021. In addition, Satoshi Aoki’s Achievement Corp. management seminars have reached about 300,000 people, spreading Choice Theory ideas and generating referrals to the William Glasser Institute Japan.
The year 2003 brought the beginning of a big change, because Rissho University was in the process of establishing a Clinical Counseling program within their Psychology Department. The person in charge of the new counseling program was interested in Masaki’s work, since his presentation and role play demonstrations were outstanding. There were several positions for professors in the new department. Based on his credentials and his presentation to the faculty, Masaki qualified to teach at the graduate level from his first year on the Rissho faculty.
Masaki explains that in Japan, you can practice counseling and be called a clinical psychologist without a doctorate. The qualification requirements include earning a Master's degree from an accredited University and passing the Board examination. The Japanese Association of Counseling Science acknowledges Reality Therapy as a useful counseling theory, so it is possible to practice as a Reality Therapist.
In 2003, Masaki began developing the new program as Rissho University, and teaching counseling to graduate students. Although he taught other counseling theories, he was considered the specialist in CT/RT. Since one of his courses at the Graduate School was required for the degree, all of the students were acquainted with CT/RT before graduation.
Some of these Rissho students wrote their Masters’ theses on CT/RT, and some of the theses were published in the Japanese Journal of Choice Theory Psychology. (Link is to abstracts. Unfortunately, this work is not available in English.) Masaki also estimates he taught about eighty students who became school counselors before his retirement.
In 2020, Masaki was awarded his sixth degree: an honorary Doctorate in Literature from the Pacific International Theological Seminary, Tokyo. Now retired from regular employment, Masaki continues to translate choice theory materials, the latest of which is a translation of The Quality School Teacher. He is currently supporting the Japanese Institute and Achievement Corporation with plans for the International Conference in Tokyo almost one year from now.
Masaki describes the upcoming Tokyo meetings as a perfect opportunity for English-speaking people to experience Japan. There will be simultaneous Japanese-English and English-Japanese translation in all the major sessions and breakout meetings. The Conference committee is planning to offer special experiences for sight-seeing as well as opportunities to learn about Japanese customs and history. Please reserve the following dates and plan to attend:
William Glasser International Conference 2022 Tokyo
Dates: Conference: 27-30 July 2022 [PD 31 July]
Board Meeting Dates: 24-26 July 2022
Most impressive of all, Masaki continues to work, and is still following his true calling to pastoral counseling. He is in the process of completing his Doctorate in Ministry from the Pacific International Theological Seminary Tokyo. As a lifelong learner, Masaki provides us with a great example of what an energetic, dedicated person can accomplish. We greatly admire him, and hope to see him in person in William Glasser International Conference 2022 in Tokyo.